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Dawn in Avila

 Avila Beach, CA

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as a Greeting Card

Greeting Card

Each card has been hand signed by me, professionally printed in the U.S.A. using pigment inks on acid free paper, and designed to fit in a 5 x 7 frame, so it can be enjoyed for years to come! Comes with envelope and protective clear plastic sleeve. Learn more about my Greeting Cards


as a Fine Art Print

High Quality Print

These high quality prints are professionally printed in house using pigment based inks on high quality photo paper. It creates a print that not only looks stunning, but is more durable so it be enjoyed for a lifetime. You can get them with a small white border (as pictured), a large white border or without a border and printed to the edge. Learn more about my High Quality Prints

as a Canvas Wrap

Canvas Wrap

Each canvas is professionally printed using color accurate inks that enhance the fine details, while giving texture and depth to the photo, to create a showstopper that is perfect for any room. They are printed on genuine artist grade canvas and hand stretched over a hardwood frame. It comes with all the hardware you’ll need to have it hanging on your wall in just a few minutes. Learn more about my Canvas Wraps

as a Metal Print

Metal Fine Art  Print

High gloss Metal Prints are printed on high definition, aluminum sheets (0.1" thickness) with a white base that allows the photo’s colors to pop with rich vibrancy and is coated with a protective reflective finish bringing an ultra-modern feel to any room. All metal prints feature rounded corners and come with all the hanging hardware pre-installed. Learn more about my Metal Prints

If you have any questions, you would like to purchase this photo for another use, or in another size/printing medium that’s not listed here, please reach out to me by contacting me. You can also checkout my frequently asked questions for my most common questions and my Refund Policy. Prices and shipping costs may change at any time without notice

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